A New Way to Deal With Dry Mouth

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(NewsUSA) – Sponsored News – Did you know that dry mouth is a common condition that may result from a variety of factors, such as smoking, aging, medication, desease, dehydration and emotional stress? If you suffer from dry mouth, you’ll be happy to know that you no longer have to put up with it.
The Problem
An overall sensation of dryness in the mouth, lips, throat, eyes and skin is a common symptom of dry mouth. Sufferers may also experience bad breath, tooth decay, sticky saliva and sensitivity to spicy foods.
Typically, the most common self-help strategies for dry mouth that are thought to be helpful are lip coating with Vaseline or balms, eliminating caffeine and alcohol consumption, humidifying the bedroom, and adding water to food. However, there’s no scientific support of the effectiveness of these strategies.
A recent independent study revealed that the oral adhering discs, patches and melts are rated by dentists as the most effective treatment for dry mouth.
In fact, OraCoat XyliMelts oral adhering discs were rated as more effective than any other dry mouth remedy, including prescription drugs, by an independent study of 1,168 dentists, and are the only product that has been assessed in clinical studies for treatment of dry mouth during sleep.
Where To Go
The discs are available at CVS and Rite Aid pharmacies and at www.oracoat.com, where you can also learn more about them. Mint- free XyliMelts are now available at Rite Aid.

"Article By: NewsUSA"

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