Don't Let the Economy Hinder Your Emotional Health

Don't Let the Economy Hinder Your Emotional Health
(NewsUSA) - As the tough economy puts pressure on Americans, many might find themselves wrestling with new emotional issues. For example, many workers, whether unemployed, worried over their job or struggling to make ends meet, will find themselves suffering from depression.

Depression can be caused by events or be associated with part of a larger illness. Symptoms can include chronic fatigue, anxiety, a loss of interest in regular activities, perpetual feelings of sadness and worthlessness, an inability to concentrate, changes in eating or sleeping habits, and a preoccupation with death. Anyone who experiences symptoms of depression should seek out a medical professional to discuss their symptoms and possible treatment options.

In relationships, when one partner experiences depression, the relationship can suffer. A depressed spouse may feel too tired and overwhelmed to carry out regular activities, ranging from household duties to dinner dates. Intimacy can decrease as well. Depression can lower sex drive, as can SSRIs, a class of anti-depressant drugs that include Zoloft, Prozac, Celexa and Paxil.

Depression does not make intimacy any less important to a healthy relationship. The emotionally healthy partner can feel neglected, while a lack of sex can increase the depressed spouse's feelings of isolation and alienation.

Depression can make couples find new ways to create intimacy. For example, some couples will use all-natural sex enhancement products, like Magic Power Coffee ( The beverage contains herbs proven to increase desire in both men and women. Other couples find that scheduling date nights or experimenting in bed leads to greater satisfaction for both partners.

Sometimes, switching to another anti-depressant or changing a dosage can help ease sexual side effects. If patients experience sexual side effects during treatment for their depression, they should discuss treatment options with their doctors.

"Article By: NewsUSA"

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