10 Tips to Stay Safe During Spring Break

10 Tips to Stay Safe During Spring Break
(NewsUSA) - It's that time of year again when thousands of college students and young adults will flock to the far reaches of the world for spring break. Wherever your travels take you, it's best to adopt the Boy Scout's motto,"Be Prepared."

The following tips will help you get started.

1. Arrive safely. Traffic death rates are three times higher at night than during the day. This means an all-night drive to Florida or any other sunny locale is not a good idea. If you can't avoid night driving, have someone stay up to talk you.

2. Secure your hotel room. Make sure your door is locked and important belongings like passports and wallets are in the safe. For added security, consider bringing along a portable door stop alarm like that from SABRE, a manufacturer of security products for both law enforcement and the general public. The door stop alarm can alert you if someone tries to break in.

3. Ensure you know the name of your hotel. Memorize the hotel's address, and take a card to give cab drivers (especially if you don't know the language).

4. Protect your personal information. Don't tell new acquaintances your hotel name or room number. You never know who has innocent (or not-so-innocent) intentions.

5. Employ the buddy system. Never leave a party with a stranger, but if you do, consider carrying a pepper gel key ring with you. SABRE offers one for less than $15. It's good for four years, has a 12-foot range and up to 25 bursts.

6. Practice safe drinking. Always have one friend who plans on minimal drinking to look out for everyone and watch cups and glasses as well. Only accept drinks you've watched get made or poured in front of you.

7. Ask for help. If you need help, call yourself. Don't rely on bystanders to call for you.

8. Drink water and wear sunscreen. Too much time in the sun can leave you dehydrated and at risk for sunburn or sun poisoning. Take a water bottle and sunscreen when you go out.

9. Open the lines of communication between students and parents. Providing an itinerary for family members is especially important when traveling overseas. In addition, know where the U.S. embassy or American consulate is in the country where you're headed, and check in often.

10. Travel with your personal protection. Small pepper sprays can be checked through major airlines, and personal alarms can be carried on flights with you. If you're out and about exploring, remember that pepper spray is legal to carry in all 50 states.

For more information, visit www.sabrered.com.

"Article By: NewsUSA"

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