Gifts That Wow, and What They Say About You

Unless you're living in some alternative universe, that's the reaction you're likely shooting for when others open your holiday presents.
But with so many choices out there -- including a seeming bombardment of online offers -- you need to be aware that you're also sending a message about yourself with every gift that's unwrapped.
The right gift, as consumer behavior expert Kit Yarrow has written, "can enhance connections between people." A really bad one
. . .Well, we've probably all distanced ourselves from someone whose obviously inappropriate present screamed "clueless."
Here's what these "wow" gifts say about you:
* I'd rather be safe than sorry. Most women would be thrilled to receive a ginormous bottle of expensive perfume. But beware: A lot of others would interpret such an "easy" choice the way this New York writer did when her (ex-)boyfriend so gifted her after she'd spent weeks searching for the perfect briefcase for him: "It just seemed like something he picked up at the airport duty-free store." Ouch.
* My taste is impeccable. Few things telegraph a person's status like a good watch, and these two beauties from Swiss watchmaker Baume & Mercier ( make almost anyone look like roaring successes. For women, the new Promesse collection includes an elegant model with a black mother-of-pearl face, punctuated by Roman numerals and 69 strategically placed diamonds, with a glossy alligator strap that's thicker than a foreign empress' accent.
"It really makes quite a statement," says Lauren Dimet Waters of Second City Style.
For men, the gold Clifton 10058 -- no diamonds here, but another thick strap -- is absolutely the way to go to strike a perfect balance between classic and modern. You can shop both watches at the Baume & Mercier e-boutique or by calling 1-800-MERCIER, where free wrapping and free engraving are available. Watch the video at
* I recognize your passions. An Italian sports car is beyond the reach of most of us, but there's a whole cottage industry out there offering gift certificates for "experiences" like a few hours behind the wheel of exotic autos. Too Le Mans for you? There's also tandem skydiving and whitewater rafting.
* I'm hipper than you think. If your kids accuse you of being frozen in 70s music, buy them tickets to a hot concert. (Hint: Britney Spears is out; Katy Perry is in.)
One caveat: For those toying with contributing to a charity in someone's name, make sure it's a cause they believe in as much as you do. Otherwise, the message you may unwittingly be sending is "It's All About Me."
"Article By: NewsUSA"
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