Need a School Uniform? Follow These Tips

Need a School Uniform? Follow These Tips
(NewsUSA) - Due to increased concerns about student safety and keeping grades high, more public schools are turning not to additional security or stricter punishments for intolerable behavior -; but to school uniforms.

No longer limited to private schools, the number of public schools adopting uniform use has risen exponentially since the year 2000. According to the National Association of Elementary School Principals, one in every five public schools in the United States has taken to the use of uniforms to enhance student focus and learning. And that number seems to be growing.

But while public schools are quick to make the jump to the uniform, many parents are weary of the move due to cost concerns. However, making the switch to uniforms has proven beneficial to parents' bank accounts. In a study by USA Today, parents spent an average of $185 per child buying non-uniform clothing. That average was only $104 per child for uniforms.

Whether you're looking for a crisp blue jumper or a cherry red polo to fit with your child's school dress code, the variety of options available on the market is bigger than ever. At department stores like Dillard's, you'll find an extensive collection of uniforms in every style, with prices that won't push your budget off course.

Keep the following tips in mind when venturing out to buy school uniforms with your child:

* Measure your child ahead of time. Eliminating the guessing game, as well as back-and-forth trips to the dressing room, will save you valuable time.

* Choose simple clothing for younger children. Keep an eye out for uniforms with easy fastenings for children seven years and under.

* Buy enough for a week. Depending on how often you do laundry, purchasing between three and five complete uniforms will be a good investment in the long run.

* Bring a list of all of your school's uniform requirements with you. Finding out that you missed that key item on your uniform shopping list will only add to your stress.

For more information, visit

"Article By: NewsUSA"

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