Soul Search, Research, Job Search: How to Cultivate Your Dream Career

Soul Search, Research, Job Search: How to Cultivate Your Dream Career
(NewsUSA) - Far too often, employees find themselves stuck in an unfulfilling job, yet are reluctant to leave. They settle because of current economic conditions or because they simply lack the confidence or required skills to pursue their ideal career.

According to a recent study conducted by The Conference Board, job satisfaction is at an all-time low -- only 45 percent of Americans are satisfied with their current job.

It can seem overwhelming for those yearning to step into a field that better suits their passions. Certified career coach Maggie Mistal specializes in helping individuals explore their purpose and find work they love. She advises individuals to break down the process into three steps:

1. Soul Search

Spend time reflecting on your natural abilities, skills you enjoy and how you would like to utilize them to contribute to an organization.

"I help people see there are many facets to their ideal careers, and while salary is important, it's not alone on the list," says Mistal.

And only after you complete the soul search does Mistal recommend moving forward with the next two steps in her process.

2. Research

Once key interests and skills have been identified, you must commit to researching the new career field you wish to pursue.

An excellent resource is the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Handbook. It can be accessed online, and provides job descriptions, average salary range and even projections for fields expected to grow in the coming years.

While researching the fields you're interested in pursuing, you may find there are gaps between your skills and those required to move forward. In some cases, you may need to go back to school to earn an additional degree.

"While going back to school may seem overwhelming, schools like DeVry University, for example, do a great job offering flexible scheduling options that allow students to take courses onsite or online, or a combination of both," says Mistal. "Having the ability to complete your education while balancing job and family commitments can help ease stress as you change careers."

3. Job Search

Beginning the search for your dream job will be less intimidating if you already have a strong network in place.

"A great place to start building relationships is with your professors," says Mistal. "Students at schools like DeVry University have an advantage because many are taught by industry-leading professionals who work in the same fields they teach."

By implementing these steps, individuals will achieve the confidence to embark on the career of their dreams. As the old saying goes, "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."

To learn more about in-demand career fields, visit, and for advice on finding work you love, visit Maggie Mistal's website

"Article By: NewsUSA"

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