Act Today, Shape Tomorrow

(NewsUSA) - Nearly everyone is going green nowadays, and for good reason. When even one person makes environmentally friendly choices, the ecological and health benefits extend to all. The inhabitants of the world want cleaner water, fresher air and healthier soil, and individual actions can help achieve those things. As an added bonus, in a tough economic climate, going green can also help you save "green" on your energy bills, at the gas pump and at the supermarket.

So, how can you live "la vida verde?" Get involved in TogetherGreen, an innovative conservation initiative created by Audubon and Toyota.

Not afraid to get your hands dirty? Then check out Volunteer Days, hands-on events helping people take an active role in conservation progress close to home. In only a few months, TogetherGreen volunteers have logged more than 21,000 service hours, achieving amazing results in their communities:

- Students in Seattle removed 10,000 square feet of invasive plants that threatened to overwhelm the last remaining stand of old-growth forest.

- Volunteers in New York planted 400 new native trees as part of a reforestation effort on Staten Island.

- Springfield, Mo., groups counted the area's plant and animal life, information which will help restoration efforts in the future.

Don't have a few hours to spare to volunteer? Visit the TogetherGreen Action Center to learn easy tips to lower energy and water consumption, protect habitat and save money. Suggestions range from small changes, such as installing energy-efficient light bulbs in your home, to more adventurous adjustments, such as biking to work instead of driving, or starting a neighborhood conservation group.

Do you know someone accomplishing extraordinary things for the environment? Help TogetherGreen turn the spotlight on these environmental heroes by nominating them at the TogetherGreen Web site. Is there a local organization benefiting the environment and achieving conservation results for local habitats, wildlife and people? Help promote these green groups by submitting their story online as Community Works.

Every action makes a difference for communities, wildlife and the environment. And TogetherGreen believes we need to act now to shape tomorrow -- so get involved!

Funded by a $20 million gift from Toyota, TogetherGreen is a multifaceted Audubon program that funds conservation projects, trains environmental leaders and offers volunteer opportunities to significantly benefit the environment nationwide.

You can find dates and locations of Volunteer Days near you, the Action Center, fun online activities for kids, and more information on TogetherGreen at

"Article By: NewsUSA"

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