Can't Get The Web Address You Really Want?

Can't Get The Web Address You Really Want?
(NewsUSA) - Got a great idea for a Web site, but can't find a decent .com Web address that suits you? Over the past 25 years, more than 95 million .com addresses have been registered by corporations, organizations and individuals. As a result, the pool of meaningful .com names is nearly exhausted. Fortunately there are a few solutions:

If the Web address you want is owned by someone else, you can offer to buy it -- but sometimes sales can range from several hundred to several hundred thousand dollars.

Using an alternate domain extension, such as .net, .org, .info and .biz, might help you find the name that you want, but Internet users can easily overlook these target niche audiences.

Perhaps the best way for you to get the Web address you want is with the new .CO domain extension, which launched in July and generated nearly half a million registrations in the first few weeks alone!

Here are just a few reasons why the .CO domain extension has been such an immediate success:

* It's Familiar -; .CO is very similar to .com, so it's easy for people to remember. People around the world already associate "co" with "company," so it's easier for them to make the leap from .com to .CO. Also, it's already used in 20 country-specific domains like England (, Canada, (, Japan (, and others.

* It's Available -; Since there are so many .CO names to choose from, people all over the world are jumping on the .CO bandwagon. You can search for available .CO domains through registrars such as,, Network Solutions and others.

* It's Safer -; .CO takes a tough stand on all forms of domain name abuse. They've taken steps to protect the rights of brands and trademark holders and have made it harder for cyber-squatters and fraudsters to hide from authorities.

Thousands of major corporations, such as Apple, Coca-Cola, Disney, McDonalds and Sony, have already secured their .CO domain names. Many companies like ( are using .CO to create new content, reach new audiences or offer new services.

It may take a while for .CO to catch up to .com, but at least you can get in on the ground floor and secure the .CO domain that best fits your online business, blog or personal Web site. For more information, visit

"Article By: NewsUSA"

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