Fun in the Sun: Bright Ideas for Child Safety
Being exposed to ultraviolet rays for too long can cause serious health problems, including increased risk of skin cancer. Children's skin in particular should be protected from the sun at all times. According to the National Children's Cancer Society, childhood is the critical period during which UV radiation can do the most damage. It takes only a few minutes for a child's skin to burn, and the damage is permanent and cumulative.
Children receiving chemotherapy or radiation treatments for cancer often experience increased sensitivity to the sun. Adequate skin protection can reduce the risks of developing health problems later in life by up to 78 percent, according to medical researchers.
The National Children's Cancer Society offers these tips to parents looking to limit their children's sun exposure:
- Apply sunscreen properly. Choose a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher. Apply sunscreen in a thick layer -- use a full palmful to cover your hands, legs, face and neck -- 15 minutes before sun exposure. Re-apply sunscreen every two hours or after swimming.
- Limit sun exposure when sun rays are at their strongest. If possible, keep children indoors between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
- Have your child wear a hat. Hats can shield the face from the sun's harmful rays. Choose a hat with a two- to three-inch brim. Shade hats, which look like baseball caps but with fabric draping down the sides and back, prove ideal.
- Prevent eye damage with UV-protective sunglasses. Check the label to make sure that the glasses block 99 to 100 percent radiation.
- When appropriate, dress your child in lightweight, long-sleeve shirts and pants. A few clothing manufacturers even make sun-protective clothing.
- Set a good example. Practice safety in the sun so your child will, too.
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