Protect Your Plants and Pets

Protect Your Plants and Pets
(NewsUSA) - Spring and summer plants provide color and scent, but they can also mean upset stomachs for the family pet.

As the growing months hit, homeowners enjoy watching their garden flowers bloom. But according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA),common plants like lilies, sago palms, tulips, azaleas and oleander can poison Duke or Lassie.

Americans don't have to choose between keeping a dog or planting flower pots. Yes, more than 700 plants cause toxic symptoms, ranging from mild nausea to death, in animals.

But homeowners can put poisonous house plants, like lilies and ferns, out of pets' reach. High tables or window ledges can keep dogs from ingesting the roses, while hanging baskets stop cats from frisking in fronds.

Animals need their exercise. While some cats stay inside, locking the dog indoors will only cause behavior problems.

Canines and landscaping can co-exist. In outdoor areas, fencing keeps animals away from gardens, where everyday food plants like corn and tomatoes can poison pets.

For owners who cannot install wood or wire fences, or who want to see their landscaping without peering through wooden slats, electronic pet-containment systems provide a great option.

One system, Invisible Fence Brand Outdoor Solutions, uses a concealed wire to keep animals within safe areas. A professional installs the wire around the property line. The wire can also block off danger zones like gardens, pools and driveways.

The homeowner puts a transmitter in an out-of-the-way location. The transmitter sends radio signals to a collar. When Rover approaches the azaleas, his collar beeps a small warning. Thanks to a certified training program, Rover knows not to go near the flower beds.

The Invisible Fence Brand can be laid across pavement, water and rocky terrain. It allows avid gardeners and landscapers to enjoy their favorite summer plants without worrying about their animals' health. In turn, cats and dogs can enjoy fresh air and exercise in safety.

For more information about the Invisible Fence Brand, visit

"Article By: NewsUSA"

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