Don't Let Your Bathroom Get You Down
According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, approximately 30 percent of people over the age of 65 fall each year. And since falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries within this group, it is a threat to be reckoned with.
How can you protect yourself or a loved one from experiencing a fall? It is important you start at home. That's right, 60 percent of falls occur in the home. Additionally, 25 percent occur due to slippery or wet surfaces, which means the bathroom can be a dangerous place, but there are some simple and effective ways you can safeguard this room, so you feel confident and secure during your day-to-day routine.
* Let there be light. Vision is greatly reduced in areas that are not well lit, which can lead to falls. Be sure to keep your bathroom well lit at all times. Whether it be by replacing light bulbs as they burn out or by keeping a nightlight in the room and in the hall leading to the bathroom, make sure your bathroom is lit well, so you can see potential hazards.
* Stay well-grounded. Bathroom rugs can ease the startling chill of your bare feet on the cold tile, but they can also be a safety hazard. Make sure your bathroom rugs are there to stay, with nonskid backing. And don't forget to replace this backing from time to time.
* Soak in safety. Products such as Premier Bathrooms' walk-in baths can help make the bathroom a safer place. This bathtub has a door built into its side, which allows for easy access into and out of the tub. Additionally, you can sit on the raised seat that is about the height of a standard chair, and the tub will fill to the top. For more information, call 800-578-2899 or visit
* Get a handle on things. Handrails near your toilet or shower can help you keep your balance.
* Be prepared. It is important to be prepared if a fall does occur. Keep your bathroom door unlocked and a phone nearby, so it is easy for help to arrive and for you to be reached.
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