Enchant People the "Apple Way" for Career Success

Enchant People the "Apple Way" for Career Success
(NewsUSA) - Many of us have career dreams we aspire to achieve, but often we are left feeling daunted by how to turn those dreams into reality.

Whether your goal is to land your ideal job upon graduating from college or earn that promotion you have been eyeing in your current job, it's vital to have the support of those around you for your cause.

Garnering the support of others is possible but takes effort, according to Guy Kawasaki, best-selling author and former chief evangelist for Apple Computer. He calls this process "enchantment."

Kawasaki's latest book, "Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds and Actions," explains how one can attain and utilize enchantment to convince people to dream the same dream that you do.

"Enchantment is more than simply manipulating others to help get your way," says Kawasaki. "The goal is long-lasting support that can be mutually beneficial -- not a one-time sale or transaction."

"To achieve enchantment, individuals must build a strong foundation to implement it," says Kawasaki. "That foundation is built on three pillars: likability, trustworthiness and a great cause."


As the old saying goes, you never get a second chance at a first impression. The first step of enchantment is to get people to like you. You must accept others in order for them to accept you.

Identifying passions you share with others will help to break down barriers and develop better relationships, which ultimately makes you more likable.


Deserving and gaining the trust of others is crucial for enchantment to occur. To earn the trust of others, it's vital to exhibit both knowledge and competence, especially in the workplace.

Knowledge means you have expertise, thanks to your education and experience. Competence means that you have progressed beyond knowing what to do, to doing what you know.

In some cases, individuals may have to go back to school to earn an additional degree to gain knowledge and competence in order to develop or deepen trustworthiness.

"If you must further your education, research schools thoroughly to find the program that fits your specific goals," says Kawasaki.

For those looking to gain career-specific knowledge, DeVry University is an example of a school which provides actual hands-on coursework, with many classes taught by professors who are actively working in the same fields they teach.

Great Cause

Finally, you must ensure you have an enchanting cause. As an employee or job seeker, your cause is you! It's important to carefully review your qualifications in order to set yourself up for success. Kawasaki recommends reviewing your cause against the following criteria:






Once you've assessed your cause, it's time to tell your story.

"The goal is to immerse people and captivate their interest," says Kawasaki. "Don't be afraid to make it personal. In fact, it's essential that you do."

Learn more about the art of enchanting others by visiting www.guykawasaki.com. To learn more about DeVry University, visit www.devry.edu.

"Article By: NewsUSA"

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