Find Success Losing Winter Weight
While reaching your goal of getting in better shape is often difficult, it's never impossible. Use the following tips to overcome the uphill battle of sticking with your resolution:
* Get a good night's sleep. If you're constantly bleary-eyed and pawing for the nearest cup of coffee in the morning, you're probably suffering from a constant lack of sleep. Sleep deprivation lowers the body's levels of the hormone leptin, which suppresses appetite. In turn, shirking on sleep actually increases weight gain -; making it that much more important to get a minimum of seven hours of sleep per night.
* Bring the gym workout to your home. Getting the convenience of a total gym workout in your home is now easier than ever before, and studies have shown that the more convenient the workout, the more likely you are to commit to a program long-term. Home gyms like HOIST's V Select Series allow the user to utilize 36 different gym configurations, giving the user access to the exercise options they want with minimal floor space required. Live a healthier and stronger life by taking advantage of the flexibility and convenience this in-home system has to offer. For more information or to find a dealer, visit
* Nutrition, nutrition, nutrition. Sure, it's old news, but are you actually adhering to the constant expert advice to eat healthier foods? While new, trendy diets come and go, simply focusing on cutting out bad fats, sugars and salts, and incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet is a simple solution you can stick with. Additionally, focus on small portions when eating out -; studies have shown that meals at restaurants contain 60 percent more calories than those made at home.
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