Kick Start Summer With A Healthy Detox Program

Kick Start Summer With A Healthy Detox Program
(NewsUSA) - Early spring is the ideal time to go through a detoxification program. This is when our body needs it most and it is a good way to kick-start any weight-loss you may need. However, before you start any of these programs you should consult with a doctor.

For some people, those programs are too intensive and too harsh. Many detox programs suggest taking a few days off of work which just isn't possible for most people. Not sure where to begin? Try these tips from's herbal medicine expert Katherine Huether:

-; Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. Add some lemon occasionally to help repair your liver and for taste.

-; Drink herbal tea or green tea several times a day.

-; Eat a high-fiber diet with a lot of fruits and vegetables.

-; Visit the Daily Plate ( -; a site devoted to people who want to eat smarter.

You should try doing these things all year long, but if you're like most people, you will not start paying attention until the early spring. After a few weeks you will notice that your skin is clearer, water retention goes down, and your pants get a little looser.

In the spring, get outside as much as you can. Go for several walks and spend some time in the garden. This is the ideal time to reconnect with the outdoors, and the extra physical activity while outside will help shed those unwanted pounds. Sunlight allows for added vitamin D -; it helps fight depression and increases bone strength and mass. There are parts of the U.S. that don't always get sunlight, so it becomes even more important to spend time outside when you get the chance.

Start looking at the farm stands this time of year for strawberries and other dark, bitter or colorful fruits and vegetables. If you eat them from local sources, you know you are getting the tastiest and healthiest produce out there, as long as it's organic.

Fatty foods and cocktails can really overtax the liver. Late winter and spring are excellent times to start taking care of it. Herbs are a great way to help this process. When tasting herbs, you want your taste buds to register the bitter quality because it stimulates the liver. You can take milk thistle in capsule form, but always check with your doctor before taking anything. A healthy dose of these bitters and greens will give the endocrine system a good boost:

-; Burdock root

-; Dandelion greens and root

-; Yellow dock

-; Artichoke

-; Milk thistle

For more tips on getting healthy from Katherine Huether, visit

"Article By: NewsUSA"

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