Let 'Superfoods' Lead You to Superior Health
Superfoods possess significant physical and mental health benefits and can be found in a variety of different forms, from blueberries and broccoli to drinks such as green tea. They are both plentiful and are easily accessible at your local supermarket.
Aside from their plentiful health advantages, many superfoods taste good as well. Many juices, such as Sun Shower Turbo-G Superfood by NBI Juiceworks, are being specially formulated with additional nutrients, herbs and antioxidants that make consuming a superfood product both great-tasting and convenient for meals on-the-go.
Among the nutrients contained in Sun Shower Turbo-G Superfood are Glucosamine, which promotes and protects healthy joints; Ginko Biloba, which increases blood flow to the brain and improves mental alertness, and Grape Extract, which reduces the chance of premature aging and heart disease.
"Superfoods are a hot topic in the food and beverage industry these days, as companies are trying to satisfy the growing demand for healthier products," said Chris New, founder, chairman and CEO of NBI Juiceworks.
The following foods have also been considered to be superfoods:
- Salmon. High in Omega-3 fatty acids, salmon is high in protein and low in fat, making it a great choice for any diet.
- Walnuts. Studies have shown that this nutritious nut can actually counteract the negative effects of foods that are high in fat.
- Dark chocolate. Go ahead and have a piece, guilt-free. Dark chocolate has very high levels of flavonoids and antioxidants, and when enjoyed in moderation, it has a positive effect on heart health.
If you are attempting to increase your well-being, incorporating a superfood product into your everyday diet -; along with regular exercise -; may be a winning way to jumpstart your health.
"Eating and drinking more superfoods is only going to improve your lifestyle and make you more physically fit and mentally sound," New said.
For more information on the health and wellness benefits of Sun Shower Turbo-G Superfood, visit www.NbiJuiceworks.com.
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