"Staycations" Help Beat Economic Doldrums
- Get crafty. There are many Web sites devoted to crafting activities. From scrapbooking to creating personalized home décor, find a project that the whole family can contribute to and enjoy. When you finish, you'll have a lasting memory of something the family accomplished together.
- Get out by staying in. While destination vacations may be a little out of reach for budgets right now, you can "get away" with your family or closest friends from the comfort of the couch. Have everyone bring their favorite dish and enjoy a potluck meal while you watch movies set in your favorite exotic, tropical locations. Better yet, take the opportunity to enjoy foreign films from destinations you hope to visit.
- Explore your hometown cultural scene. You can live in a city for years and never take advantage of all it has to offer. This year, take the family out on the town to local museums and art galleries. You'll be sure to find something everyone can enjoy while gaining a deeper appreciation for your hometown. Check out Web sites for your state and city's convention and visitors' bureau for additional information.
- Finding new favorites and playing catch-up. When money is tight, snuggle up on the couch and watch your favorite shows, or catch up on movies on your "to watch" list. DISH Network, for example, offers high-quality programming and technology, such as TurboHD, a 100 percent all-HD package, as well as 1080p movies on demand in quality comparable to Blu-Ray disc. DISH Network also offers top-rated and award-winning HD DVRs to record all of your favorites, old and new, and watch whenever you like -- especially if you do decide to take a trip.
- Get active. You don't need a beachfront to go for a long walk or to start a game of backyard volleyball. Go online and search for local hiking trails and picnic spots, or head to a local swimming pool or bowling alley. You'll get a break without having to purchase plane tickets or plan hotel and car rentals.
For more staycation ideas, head online, and to find out more about DISH Network, go to www.dishnetwork.com.
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